It struck me today that it is almost the end of summer. And even though I have seen 27 other summers end and therefore should be used to it, I felt a little sad.
It has been one of the best summers I've had in a long time. Nothing amazing has really happened. I did not spend the summer backpacking across Europe. I didn't win a lot of money or meet a fabulous guy (I wish).
It was a great summer because I was liberated by the realization that the only person who places limitations on me is, well, me. And that realization is the key to moving beyond those limitations.
It's the best thing I've learned lately. And I've been enjoying life immensely since I've tried things that I previously told myself I couldn't do, like running a 10k.
I wouldn't go as far as to say I now believe ANYTHING is possible-- let's be honest, I'm too rational to think that. But I've definitely come to appreciate first-hand the overwhelming sense of accomplishment that comes with defying odds and pushing past imaginary or real limits.
It's a lesson I hope to always remember.